When is the best time to exercise?

When is the best time to workout? Well, as a busy woman typically I’d say the best strategy for you is to fit it in when you can. The most important first step is to have a look at your weekly calendar and try to schedule in a 10-15 minute workout each day.

The time that best works for me is first thing in the morning. The reason this works so well is because usually this is the time when I’m not going to be interrupted, I’m most in control of my time, and unexpected things aren’t happening.

Not an early bird? Neither was I. But I think this was just a story I was telling myself. Once I changed my habits, and started to rise early and go to bed on time, it changed EVERYTHING.

If you have never given it a go, I would recommend setting your alarm clock 10 to 15 minutes earlier than you usually wake up in order to fit your workout in. This will also give you a little bit of time to catch up with anything else that you need to get going before you start your day.

However, I will caveat that by saying if you are getting up first thing in the morning to do your workouts, you do need to go to bed earlier. Setting an alarm for waking up in the morning is all very well, but you also need to be setting an alarm to go to bed. Keep in mind we’re aiming for between seven and eight hours of sleep per night, so ensure lights are out at your designated bedtime. This is not an opportunity to load the dishwasher, tidy the kitchen, or start scrolling through Facebook.

Sleep is just as important as exercise. Changing these habits may take some time and getting used to. You may already struggle to wake up in the morning and the idea of getting up earlier might be absolutely horrendous! But if you are committed to exercising every day, then I thoroughly recommend this.

By exercising first thing in the morning, you will feel the benefits of your workout for the rest of the day. It’s a great feeling to get it out of the way and tick it off your to-do list. You won’t have that nagging feeling in the back of your mind all day and you won’t feel stressed or guilty if other things come up and derail you from your plan had you been waiting to do it later.

My challenge to you is for the next five days, head off to bed around 9:30-10:00pm (this means lights out!) and then set your alarm for 6:00am the next morning. Swing your legs over the side of the bed, put your feet on the floor, and go get your mat ready. Once you’re up, you’re going to do it. Do this for five days in a row. It might be incredibly difficult and painful at first, but after you’ve done it for five days you will really notice the difference and hopefully start to find enjoyment in having that secret time to yourself first thing in the morning.


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