Stop Procrastinating

We all do it but simply put, it’s our way of sabotaging our efforts when it comes to exercise.

5 Reasons to Move Your Workouts Outside

There are so many benefits to exercising outside and the warmer weather in the summer is the perfect time to move your workouts to the garden – or the beach if you are near one (unless of course you are in the middle of a heatwave!).

5 Simple Steps to Boost Your Workouts

Are you struggling to fit in your workouts every week? And even when you do manage to squeeze one in, (possibly tired at the end of a long day) do you have the energy for an hour-long session? Nope. Didn’t think so. Instead, choosing to do a short 10-15 minute workout daily (which I definitely recommend), can really help with consistency. But there are additional steps you can take to ensure you are making the most out of these shorter workouts.

How to Deal with Holidays

The summer months can be tricky when you are trying to stick to an exercise regime. Here are some tips that can help you maintain your healthy habits through your holiday, at the same time as enjoying your well-deserved break.

3 Steps to Healthy Movement

If we are too restricted in our movement (caused by stiffness etc), this makes us more unstable and unable to adjust and catch ourselves when we are knocked off balance. So it’s crucial that we take steps to protect our bodies while these hormonal changes are happening.

5 steps to fit exercise into your schedule

These 5 tips will help you start to schedule in daily movement for consistency (you only need 10-15 minutes to start with). And that is when you start to see and feel the results.

How do we maintain (or regain) flexibility as we age?

Dancer stretching at ballet barre

How do I improve my flexibility? I get asked all the time how to increase flexibility, particularly from women with tight hamstrings. If you were bendy in your 20s but can’t touch your toes in your 40s, this is frustrating. If you couldn’t touch your toes in your 20s, that doesn’t mean you can’t achieve […]

When’s the best time to workout?

I get asked this question a lot. “When should I workout?” “What time is best?” The truth is, exercise at any time of the day is better than none at all. But what if you are short on time? As a busy woman, the best strategy for you is to fit it in when you […]

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