If you would like to join our BBackstage community, get on the waiting list and we will send you a free workout!
We’re currently serving our members and doing everything we can do assist, inspire and encourage them on their fitness journey. If you want to increase your strength, flexibility and tone and improve your posture, BBackstage is for you.
Please enter your details below and we will let you know as soon as enrolment re-opens. As a thank you we will send you a workout to get you started and keep you moving!
Bbackstage is perfect for women who are:
Do you dream of a getting long, lean muscles, toned arms, and a trim tummy? Imagine finding the holy grail of exercise – the happy sweat! Exercise that lifts your bottom and your spirits! Where tension in the body is released, your thighs become trimmer and your posture and mobility are improved. Where you feel a renewed sense of self and confidence, without pounding your body into the ground.
You might be looking to try something different to your usual workouts, an alternative to the gym, where you can connect to your body. A workout regime that fits in with your hectic schedule, something you can do anywhere, any time and still have one-to-one guidance from the instructor. You want fitness to become part of your lifestyle and not another task that you have to schedule in somehow. You want to be CONSISTENT with your workouts and see results.
BBackstage provides quick and effective at-home ballet-inspired workouts to help you connect to your body again. You will gain strength, tone, confidence and support like you have never had before.
( Forget tutus and twirling ...)
I know what it’s like to lose touch with your body. I went from Ballet School to Law School and ended up sat at a desk, crushing my body.
Without ballet, I was frustrated. I tried all kinds of other workouts, but nothing inspired me and I didn’t stick at anything for very long. Now, as a business owner and mum of two young children, I know how hard it can be to find the time to exercise, which is why I created BBackstage.
Exercise has to be something you DO – part of your lifestyle.
After the “legal” years I rekindled my love affair with dance and qualified as a ballet teacher, so I could help other people reap the ballet benefits.
Breaking Ballet BBACKSTAGE was born.
I’m on a mission to break down ballet’s barriers, so that everyone can enjoy a ballet inspired workout, no matter who they are, how old they are, what they’re wearing, what they look like, or how bendy they are. There is no dancing, just ballet inspired exercises to make you strong, lean and confident.
If you do not see your question answered here, please contact us on sarah@breakingballet.com
It is important to exercise safely (possibly under supervision by an instructor) during pregnancy, especially if you are considering a new type of exercise. Due to the online nature of these workouts, it is not advisable to join while pregnant. Some of the floor work is done reclining on your back and ladies in their second and third trimesters should not be in this position. It would be better to find a local class with an experienced instructor who can monitor you while exercising, to be safe.
It is advisable to wait at least 3 months postpartum before starting a new fitness regime. Special care must be taken regarding the type of exercise you do, especially the type and intensity of abdominal exercises, due to the changes in the abdominal wall and pelvis. Sometimes during pregnancy there is a separation of the Linea Alba (the central line between the Rectus Abdominis muscles) causing a condition called diastasis recti.
So you MUST see your GP BEFORE starting a new activity in the 3 months after childbirth.
You should consult with a general practitioner before beginning any exercise, fitness, or nutrition regime, especially if you are pregnant, or have pre-existing health conditions. Your use of the videos inside BBackstage and performance of these exercises is solely at your own risk.