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The BBackstage Pass Experience

Reclaim Your Strength, Reconnect with Your Body

Starts Monday 23 September 2024

Are you a busy woman over 40 looking to take back control of your life and reconnect with your body? 

The BBackstage Pass Experience is your gateway to transformation—a week dedicated to helping you rediscover the power of ballet-inspired movement and the joy of consistent exercise.

This exclusive experience offers you full access to all the live elements of our monthly membership for FREE, plus five specially designed ballet-inspired workouts that will leave you feeling stronger, more toned, and deeply connected to your physical self. 

I am going to let you in on a little secret that is keeping most busy women struggling to be consistent with exercise for years…

We are not evolved to exercise. Fact. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors had to be physically active for hours each day to get enough food. They didn’t run, or walk for miles for their health. Now we must voluntarily “exercise”. Because we didn’t evolve to sit for hours on end watching Netflix either!

Right now you may:

I have found a way to help you overcome your deep-seated, natural instincts to avoid optional exertion. Saying "just do it" is not helpful. It doesn't work.

Exercise isn't natural.

But it can be a source of pleasure and health and I will show you how.

Are You...

It's time to get results without overwhelm


Hi I’m Sarah

I believe that every woman deserves to look and feel great by prioritising their health, without feeling guilty.

As a passionate advocate for the benefits of ballet fitness, my mission is to help busy women make an educated choice by practicing this wonderful in-the-moment activity, in order to feel sexy, athletic, strong and connected to your body.

I know too well the feeling of overwhelm whilst trying to practice self-care, keep on top of family and social obligations and be successful in my career. ⁣⁣

And I see it all too often in other fitness regimes – women exercising on automatic pilot, not connecting with their bodies, needing more time for themselves and feeling exhausted.⁣⁣

Ballet is different. It has an inherent grace, strength and artistry. The focus is not on the “thing” – the kettle bell, the running machine, the weights – the focus is on your body, how it moves in space, the stimulation of your mind, as well as the physical changes you experience. In my youth I danced because I loved it and now I dance to keep me in shape.

It’s time to feel comfortable in your clothes.

I can’t wait to meet you.





Get Ready for Body Confidence!

Your opportunity to experience the physical, mental and emotional benefits of ballet workouts with a 5-day free pass to the BBackstage membership.

Ballet isn’t just for dancers—it’s a powerful way for women like you to build strength, enhance flexibility, and regain confidence in your body.

With your FREE BBackstage Pass, you’ll experience a profound shift in how you view exercise. It’s not just about burning calories or hitting goals; it’s about feeling great in your body and looking forward to your next workout. 

Imagine waking up with a renewed sense of energy and excitement, knowing that your workout will be a moment of self-care rather than another item on your to-do list.

Are you ready to prioritise your health and fitness?

Experience firsthand what it’s like to be a part of our vibrant, supportive community. 

What's Inside?

You’ll learn how to listen to your body and workout daily, creating time you didn’t believe you had. You will receive short (15 minutes) daily workouts directly to your inbox.

These short workouts will not only help to increase your strength for improved posture, but also give you an understanding of good posture and how to achieve it.

Form a habit of exercising regularly wherever you are to feel energised, positive, and back in control. Our Mindset coaching call will help you discover what has been holding you back from prioritising your health and fitness.

Exercising regularly increases your energy, so you can deal with anything life throws at you. This in turn motivates you to exercise more and take good care of your body. My workshops will provide you with a fitness mindset and easy tips to implement immediately and effortlessly into your daily routine.

I will be with you every step of the way with live workshops, coaching calls and Q&A sessions to help you form your new habit of exercise. The camaraderie in the group will ensure you complete this challenge feeling on top of the world.

Join our community of like-minded women who inspire and motivate each other every day.

Did somebody say Bonuses?!

Time permitting, you can add in this warm up before your workout.

Add in this stretch and cool down to relax and lengthen out your muscles post workout

In this Sunday Starter Call I will share my tips on how to prepare your mind for the challenge ahead, to ensure you make the most out of our time together.

Why Ballet Fitness?

Ballet is more than just dance. It’s a full-body workout that enhances your strength, flexibility, and balance—key elements for navigating this stage of life with confidence and energy. Our membership programme is crafted to suit your unique needs, empowering you to stay consistent and enjoy every step of your fitness journey.


Take the First Step Today!

Claim your free 5-day pass now and see how the BBackstage Pass Experience can transform your approach to health and wellness. This is your chance to explore, connect, and find joy in movement again.


Ready to Dance Through Life?

Join us and rediscover the power of your body and spirit. Click below to get started with your free backstage pass!


Join the BBackstage Pass Experience and start your journey toward effortless, enjoyable fitness. 

Rediscover what your body is capable of, and embrace a mindset that will have you welcoming every workout with open arms. It’s time to reclaim your strength and reconnect with the incredible woman you are.

I know you have tried before and perhaps feel like you are too busy to make a change. But it is not your fault. We are not programmed to exercise. But it doesn’t need to feel impossible. In fact, it can feel effortless for both mind and body once you have the right strategies and habits in place.

But don't just take my word for it, see what some of my past students have to say

Grab your free pass today to make sure you're all set ready to join us on Monday 23 September!

Got any questions?

If you do not see your question answered here, please contact us on sarah@breakingballet.com

Absolutely. You do not need any previous dance/ballet experience and the workouts are suitable for all levels of fitness (provided you are fit and healthy and have your GP’s consent to exercise).

We start together on Monday 23 September 2024. On sign up you will gain access to the BBackstage Pass Experience dashboard and receive a welcome email with all the information you need to prepare for our week together. You will gain access to the Members Facebook group on Friday 20 Sept 2024. Your first workout will be released on Monday 23 September 2024 and you can complete the workout anytime that day. 

This experience requires you to commit some time to attend our live sessions (see the schedule in your welcome email) and your daily 10-15 minute workout can be done any time during your day. It’s important that you carve this time out for YOU. Replays of the live sessions will be available but I encourage you to attend live to make the most out of your experience.

The only thing you will need is a yoga mat for comfort.

It is important to exercise safely (possibly under supervision by an instructor) during pregnancy, especially if you are considering a new type of exercise. Due to the online nature of this experience, it is not advisable to join while pregnant. You MUST also see your GP BEFORE starting a new activity in the 3 months after childbirth

If you have an injury, diastasis recti, or any other health condition, you should always speak to your general practitioner before beginning any exercise, fitness or nutrition regime.

No. The content is available on a dashboard and the link will be provided to you on sign up. You do not need to be on Facebook. However, the Members Facebook Group is an invaluable resource where you will find support from other members and where I will do the live Q&A.

You will have access to all the experience content until midnight on 1 October 2024. You will be invited to an opportunity to keep the content at the end of the experience.

It’s time to create the habit of daily exercise, learn to connect with your mind and body and prioritise your health with purpose.

Even if you feel like a lost cause, with no time or motivation to move your body, I can help you rediscover a strong, elegant YOU using the methods that have worked for hundreds of busy women just like you, without blame, or excuses.

No more wasting time on quick fix solutions that give you those highs but leave you feeling depleted.

No more postponing, or avoiding exercise, listening to that little voice inside your head telling you “why not exercise tomorrow?”

It’s time to make a plan, take action and feel back in control. Exercising for 15 minutes makes a REAL difference to your health and fitness.

All I’m asking is that you trust yourself,
trust in my process and invest some time to see just what you are capable of.

join the experience now:

DISCLAIMER: You should consult with a general practitioner before beginning any exercise, fitness, or nutrition regime, especially if you are pregnant, or have pre-existing health conditions. Your use of the videos inside this challenge and performance of these exercises is solely at your own risk.


and Reclaim Your Strength, Reconnect with Your Body